Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Evaluation for Media Production

To complete the production element of the GCSE Media Studies course. This part is worth 10 marks of the 80 available for production.


Make a copy of the above presentation HERE
Complete using the writing prompts and a selection of relevant images.

Embed on your blog. Help is HERE


Tuesday 7th of October 2014

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Post list for Media Production

If you are unsure about what these tasks are - either email me or look on the course blog.
Deadline Friday 19th Sept @ 3.15pm.

DVD Cover analysis

Type Choices

Photo Contact Sheet

DVD Cover conventions

Audience feedback

Marketing presentation (distribution)

Film Planning presentation

DVD Sleeve draft

DVD Insert draft

Final DVD Sleeve

Final Insert

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

DVD Insert draft - HWK

To complete the Production element of your GCSE Media Studies course you must also create a suitable insert for your DVD cover.

In pencil or pen, on A4 sheet, design a suitable insert for your DVD.
Those aiming for an A/B grade will be required to create 4 sides (imagine both sides of a folded A4 sheet.
Students who wish to draft their inserts using Photoshop are welcome to use 41 outside of lesson times to complete this task. Use THIS INSERT TEMPLATE 
Look through the presentation above for examples of elements you could include.

Photograph or scan and post to your course blog.

Checklist for assessment
Interesting design that includes some of the conventions of an insert.

Bring in for period 3, Tues 9th Sept. 
To get ahead, post it to your blog before the lesson.