Friday, 21 March 2014

Contact Sheet Annotation.

To collect together your photoshoot and evaluate the success.

Using Adobe Bridge, create a 3 x 4 contact sheet.
Export as a .pdf.
Open in Photoshop and annotate -

  • Circle image that are good. This might be due to them being in focus, correct composition etc. 
  • Cross out images that are not to be used. Out of focus, badly cropped, wrong position etc. 
  • Write simple notes against the photos, 'out of focus', 'too far away' or 'too dark', 
  • Make your annotations obvious - write in pink? 
Within the post and underneath the contact sheet, comment on the following:
  • What were your intentions for the shoot? Why take these images? 
  • What are the successful elements, What worked well? 
  • What were the unsuccessful elements? What didn't work well? 
  • If you were to take these images again, what would you do to make them more suitable? 
  • Do you believe that you have all the shots you need for the project? If not, what others do you need to take? 
Save as a jpeg and post to your blog.

Checklist for assessment

Lots of concise and insightful evaluation of your photos.

End of Lesson, Friday 28th March.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Analysing a Film Poster - Vid Tutorial

Audience Feedback Homework.

The assessment criteria for a level 3 and 4 research marks asks you to:
'...present findings relevant to the production in terms of...audience [and] users.'
To score these marks, you will be expected to evidence how you have used audience research to inform your production. 
Simply put, you will explain your idea to a focus group, show them your DVD cover and ask a series of set questions to gauge their impressions. 

To get your planning mark up to a level 3 or 4 (6-10 marks).

To complete audience research that will influence the outcome of your production task.


Gather three friends, family and/or acquaintances.
Explain your publicity campaign. Read the synopsis. Explain the genre.
Then show the drafts from your blog.
Record their feedback on THIS proforma.
Write up your findings and your response to this.

Photograph / scan the feedback sheet.
Write up your findings and post them and the the feedback sheet to your blog.
Post title: Research task - Audience.

Checklist for assessment
Scan or photo of Audience Proforma / Paragraph summing up your findings.


Start of lesson, Friday March 21st.